
CA: Prop 12 – Veterans’ Bond Act of 2008

Proposition 12 calls for $900 million bonds to be issued to subsidize the Cal-Vet Home Loan Program. Since its inception in 1921, 420,000 veterans have been able to purchase homes via the Cal-Vet program. The program is self-sufficient in that the state is paid back by the participating veterans via their mortgage payments. The current fund in the program is down to $102 million.

The men and women of the armed forces put their lives on the line to protect our way of life. This is the least we can do for them on their return to their home. The fact that the state will recoup the costs from the veterans themselves proves this program is a win-win situation.


CA: Prop 4 – Child and Teen Safety and Stop Predators Act: Sarah’s Law.

Currently, any unemancipated minor can have an abortion without notifying their parents or legal guardians. In the proposition, an unemancipated minor is a female under the age of 18 who has not entered into a valid marriage, is not on active duty in the armed services of the United States, and has not been declared free from her parents’ or guardians’ custody and control under state law.

Passing Proposition 4 will require the doctor to notify the parents or legal guardians either through phone or postage mail 48 hours before the procedure with a few exceptions.

Notification will be not be needed if the mother’s health is at-risk, the parent or legal guardian has waived the right of notification, the court has recognized the minor as being mature enough for the decision or the parents/legal guardian is abusive toward the child.

This sounds like a reasonable proposition. This is not stopping the abortion, it is just giving the parents or legal guardian a heads up on what is about to happen.


CA: Prop 1A – Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act.

Proposition 1A proposes constructing a high-speed passenger rail system stretching from Sacramento to San Diego. Twelve years and $60 million worth of studies have already been invested by the state to determine the feasibility of such a construction. This measure will sell bonds worth up to $9.95 billion to fund even more studies and the construction of the system.

The existence of a high-speed train will create jobs, reduce air pollution and our dependence on oil. Suggested travel time from San Francisco to Los Angeles will be just under three hours, clocking in at two hours and forty minutes. A trip from San Francisco to San Joe would only be thirty minutes which is the amount of time sometimes to travel across the City.
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SF: Prop S – Policy Regarding Budget Set-Asides and Identification of Replacement Funds

Shall it be City policy that the voters will not approve any new set-aside of City revenue unless the set-aside identifies a new funding source, includes limits on annual increases, and automatically expires after 10 years?

The City definitely needs this proposition to pass. Voters routinely approve new projects in the ballot as long as it benefits someone. Improve transportation? Yes. Improve schools? Sure. Help the homeless? Absolutely. Fix the roads? You betcha. New bridge? Why not. Plant trees? Yup. New program to help cross-eyed people in the 23-25 age range with a limp? Hell yeah! Let’s throw a million their way!

All these new programs add up. The City is not made out of money. Sooner or later, the City’s budget will be tapped out. Future earmarks should show how they will be funded for voters to have a firm understanding of how their vote will affect the City’s budget in other areas.

Vote yes on Proposition S.


SF: Prop P – Changing the Composition of the San Francisco County Transportation Authority Board

Shall the City change the size and composition of the Transportation Authority Board and encourage the Authority to use City agencies and departments to perform staff functions, to obtain expert financial review before adopting Authority budgets, and to adopt the same ethics and public records laws that apply to City agencies?

When I first read this proposition, I thought this was just a power grab by politicians. But after further looking into the actual meat of the legal text, I still think this is a power grab by politicians.

However, something caught my eye. The mayor was one of the major backers of the NextBus service. I use the service in my daily life. It has saved me a ton of time in the mornings and after work. No longer do I have to stand and wait 30 minutes at a time. It is a awesome service. If the new board can come up with more beneficial ideas like NextBus then I do not see a problem of giving them the chance.

Yes, I am a greedy and selfish sob.


SF: Prop N – Changing Real Property Transfer Tax Rates

Shall the City increase its transfer tax on sales of real estate worth more than $5 million to 1.5% and reduce the tax by up to 1/3 on sales of residences where the seller installed solar energy systems or made seismic safety improvements?

I am going to vote yes for Proposition N. The proposition encourages residents to look towards tapping into solar energy to save on their electricity bills and create a safe environment against earthquakes. The City can also make some money off the increase in transfer tax to cover its budget deficit.


SF: Prop M – Changing the Residential Rent Ordinance to Prohibit Specific Acts of Harassment of Tenants by Landlords

Shall the City’s Residential Rent Ordinance be amended to prohibit specific acts of tenant harassment by landlords and to provide for enforcement by means of court orders, rent reduction, monetary awards or criminal penalties?

Proposition M prohibits landlords from doing certain acts which would be criminal outside the apartment building. The victims in this case are usually those living under rent control whose landlords wish to give them the boot to bump up the rent.
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SF: Prop L – Funding the Community Justice Center

Shall the City guarantee that the City provide first-year funding for the Community Justice Center, authorize the Director of Property to lease space for the CJC, and define the CJC’s scope and operations?

So, the Community Justice Center is already in place and has already leased space as well as hired the crew to staff the center. But, the Board of Supervisors decided to put a hold on their first year funding for unknown reasons. This proposition is on the ballot to guarantee that the Center receives the funding they were allotted when it was first created.
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SF: Prop J – Creating a Historic Preservation Commission

Shall the City establish a seven-member Historic Preservation Commission and give it authority over historic preservation-related decisions in the City?

The City already has a Historic Preservation committee but the existing committee has no teeth. The current committee has nine members and are selected by the mayor. The proposed committee are still selected by the mayor but must have a majority vote by the Board of Supervisors.

The Historic Preservation Commission will be given the power to approve permits or certifications to allow demolition of our historic buildings and make recommendations to the Board of Supervisor. The decisions of the Commission cannot be appealed. The budget and staff of the commission will be drawn from the Planning Commission. So it is like a branch of the Planning Commission.

Anyhow, I am voting yes on Proposition J. Smaller committee creates less bureaucracy and quicker decisions. The previous committee had no power and thus was just a waste of resources.


SF: Prop I – Creating the Office of an Independent Rate Payer Advocate

Shall the City create an Office of the Independent Ratepayer Advocate to make recommendations about utility rates to the City’s Public Utilities Commission?

The PUC is the most powerful commission in the City in terms of budget and the projects they allocate. The PUC gets audited once every five years to determine if any changes need to be made in cases were the ratepayer (e.g. us) gets screwed.
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