
Pagination with PHP

The other day, I was looking for a decent tutorial on creating pagination using PHP. I did a couple Google searches, but the results did not fit my criteria. I was looking for a caterpillar pagination where there is a head, a tail, and a middle section that moves along as you click through the pages.

Previously, the site I was working on had used a previous/next deal where the user would just keep clicking next to get further through the records. But, this type of navigation takes too long to get to the end and is not very search engine friendly.
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Pet Peeve #1

People who sit in the single seats on MUNI that have the audacity to cross their leg so that it sticks out into the walkway path.

I am totally fine if the leg is partially in the walkway since some people may have long legs and have trouble fitting into the space provided.

But, no way should the leg be so far out there that I need to swerve to the edge and walk sideways to get pass.

And when you bump or trip over their leg, they get pissed. Well, duh. The leg is so freaking far out there, it would be impossible to avoid.


Missing Data After AJAX Call

I was working through the night last night, burning the midnight oil as they say, trying to get this AJAX deal to work. I had to fill a select field with options once the user selects an option from a second select field. But, every time I made the AJAX call to retrieve the data, the target select field remained empty… in IE. Argh! IE! Why do you haunt me so?!
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Losing an Hour

As part of the bi-annual daylight savings time ritual, the clock is pushed forward an hour this weekend. Half a year later when the clock is pushed back an hour, one begins to wonder why this act is performed at all.

Someone somewhere once said that if the daylight savings time deal is never done then one of these days will have the day and night flip-flopped.  People will begin to wake up at night to go to work and sleep in during the day like vampires.

That would be cool.

One generation could be night-walkers and the next generation could be day-walkers like Blade!


Mind is totally blank right now. No thoughts whatsoever.


And the Phun Begins


From an internal email list at work today, this little gem popped through and introduced a little fun into what had been a drab work day.

From the words of the creator, Emil Ernerfeldt, Phun is a “fun 2D physics sandbox”. The program was written by Emil for his Masters of Science Thesis at Umeå University. The program allows the user to create and manipulate objects and see the effects of gravity and motion.
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Open Flash Chart

In an earlier blog entry where I spoke about moving hosts, I mentioned using Chris Heilmann’s Canvas Pie Chart in some way. Unfortunately, I never got around to digging into the code to create something for Frobie.

However, while browsing through SourceForge for cool scripts, I found another option for my graph creations. The option turned out to be an open-source flash script created by John Glazebrook called Open Flash Chart.
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Louder Than Necessary

How long have cell phones been popular? 5 years? 10 years?

I’m sure by now, people have learned cell phone etiquette. When talking on a cell, or any phone for that matter, screaming at a high decibel is not required. The cell phone is practically right next to the mouth; talking in a normal tone of voice is perfectly fine.

All too often, in public and at the workplace, people would answer the phones and talk at a level right below an ear-splitting scream. Not only does this annoy those around them, but it most likely annoys the person on the other end of the line.

In the words of Doris M. Smith, “Arguing with a fool proves there are two.”


Ramblings of an Insomniac #1

It is 1:15am.

I can’t seem to fall asleep.

This insomnia problem has been happening a lot lately. I was a zombie at work on Friday, I’m surprised I was able to function properly.

Now, I am just sitting here staring at the screen, not doing anything particularly important. I thought I could do something productive like update my LinkedIn profile, but I couldn’t think of anything to put down. My mind is a complete blank right now. Some may say it’s not any different from my usual self–the blank mind part.
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